Today is my semi-official due date for Tabitha's arrival. It is semi-official because my midwife actually calculates the latest possible date, which would be Thursday, in order to have as much time as possible before having to transfer my care to a physician should I be TWO WEEKS LATE (thanks for that info S. E.) . I calculated May 10th, and have stuck to it. Tabitha is making no apparent effort to stage her grand arrival, and every day that passes I turn into more of a miserable wretch than the day before. Pity my husband (and daughter, and mother, and anyone else who has felt the wrath that is my raging hormones). There is something about the anticipation of knowing that your body is about to be split in half that makes woman a tensy-wensy bit on edge. Every single body twinge, and Lord knows that is pretty much all my body is doing these days, is cause for holding one's breath to see if maybe, just maybe something is happening. That and I am just really ready to NOT be pregnant, with all of it's glorious side-effects that I will not even go into detail about because it just makes me sound like a whiner.
On the plus side I have really enjoyed having the last week off of work. Camille and I have gotten to do some hard-core playing. We did something 'big' everyday last week, and it has been great to get to spend some time with her having my undivided attention. I keep telling myself that this is the last few moments that she will be my only child and I need to take as much advantage of that as possible. I am constantly amazed at how big she is, and how little. I am sad that our one-on-one time is coming to an end, but I am super excited about watching her become a big sister. Just this week I feel that she is kind-of getting a small idea of what may be happening. I know that the actual event is going to be pretty monumental, because there is only so much a nearly two-year-old can comprehend prior to the physical presence of the person we have been talking about. However, today in the store Camille pointed to my belly and told a complete stranger that that was Tabby. It made me happy, even if she has just named my belly, and does not realize that there is a real baby in there that is going to come out and rock all our worlds.
I guess everything else in life is pretty calm, or at least feels calm in comparison to the baby events looming in the distance. Matt is the proud (VERY proud, which makes me happy) owner of a new-to-us Dodge Dakota. His sweet-cheap-Jeep was making a very audible death rattle and since Matt can drive 100+ miles a day for his job it is kinda important for him to have a reliable vehicle. We found an awesome deal on a four door truck that meets all of his work needs, gets better gas mileage than most trucks or SUVs, and can easily accommodate two car seats if needed. This is our first car payment since we have been married, Matt's first car to cost more than $1500, his first car with an airbag....funny to me.